The Dash


The old us is forever gone, we can stay stuck wishing for the life we had before our loss. Not wanting to face the loss, how it turned our world upside down. It is both a safe place for us as well as a place filled with pain. 

A safe place for us because it is filled with the memories of our person, painful because our person is no longer be side us, a heartbreak which fills us completely. 

Choosing to move forward is the dash where we begin to navigate our lives without our person. A scary place without them, a place where we are faced to move forward with fear of what our future holds. This is the place though were we begin to live through our loss. 

Learning how to recreate our lives in order to preserve the memories we have with our person. Carrying them with us in our hearts and mind into uncharted territory, experiencing our life one day at a time within this new world. This is where we grow. 

It is in between the dash were we both live and grow...


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